1. Getting Started
  2. Migrate files using FTP
  3. Migrate files using Cpanel
  4. Import/Configure Database
  5. First Steps
  6. Manage Users
  7. Upload/View/Delete Media
  8. Manage pages
  9. Manage posts
  10. Manage projects
  11. Sources and Credits


Multipurpose CMS Script

Thank you for purchasing Niva. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email us. Thanks so much!



System Requrements

Your server need to meet the following requirements in order to run Niva

Optional Requirements:

For More Info: Here

















Migrate files using any FTP program (ie. FileZilla) or the webinterface of your webhost

Migrate folders and files from zip file(niva.zip) with any FTP program (ie. FileZilla) or the webinterface of your webhost.

  1. Connect to your web server using any FTP program (ie. FileZilla) or the webinterface of your webhost and upload all files and folders
    which are inside the "Niva" folder from the .zip file you have downloaded from Codecanyon and put in the public_html folder.

  2. The folder "public_html" and it's subfolders must have write permissions, so just give the folder write permissions (777).
















Migrate project files via Cpanel

Migrate folders and files from zip file(niva.zip) with Cpanel.

  1. Access your Cpanel account and login in with your credentials. Then go to File Manager.

  2. Go to public_html folder.

  3. Upload " Niva" the .zip file you have downloaded from Codecanyon.

  4. Extract "Niva" .zip file you have downloaded from Codecanyon.

  5. Your public_html folder should have all these files and folders.
















Creating the Database for the application from Cpanel

Create/Configure/Import the database

I. Create Database

II. Import Database

III. Configure the .env file

  1. Make sure that we have the 'show hidden files' checked

  2. Edit the .env file and paste the correct credentials








First steps

  1. For login as administrator you need to purchase this script. Thank You !

  2. This is the dashboard page

Manage users

  1. 1. When get to the dashboard you can edit/update your personal information.

  2. 2. View all users.

  3. 3. Create users.

View/delete/upload media/images.

  • 1. View and delete images from media.

  • 2. Upload images to media.

  • Manage pages

  • 1. View and delete pages

  • 2. Create page.

  • Manage posts

  • 1. View and delete posts

  • 2. Create post.

  • Manage projects

  • 1. View and delete projects

  • 2. Create project.

















    Sources and Credits

    I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

    Once again, thank you so much for purchasing Niva. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. 
